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Forex copy trading Forex social trading





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Forex copy trading Forex social trading Algo trade(圖1)-速報App

Our traders are called strategy providers because we strive to provide our clients with winning trading strategies!

Each of our strategy providers has been carefully selected after a thorough auditing process, making sure you get only the best! With our innovative platform, you can copy the very best traders in just a few simple steps, easily creating and monitoring your own rich trading portfolio in real-time.

Forex copy trading Forex social trading Algo trade(圖2)-速報App

Our Forex copy trading offers you a simple yet innovative way to automate your trading by our expert traders' activity according to your selected duplication setup.

Automated trading has become more and more popular over the past few years. This is perceived as the best way for novice traders to enter the markets and the trading world, without putting in the immense amount of time and effort needed to master the markets while creating and maintaining profitability and stability.

Forex copy trading Forex social trading Algo trade(圖3)-速報App

Automated Trading, which is also known as Robot Trading, Bot Trading, Black Box Trading and Algorithmic Trading; can be done using several tools.

On Metatradrer4, a common trading platform, they may also be referred to as Expert Advisors (EA’s).

Forex copy trading Forex social trading Algo trade(圖4)-速報App

In algorithmic trading, many different technical indicators are used to define order entry and exit points. All forms of Automated Trading strategies place orders automatically and submit them to a market center, exchange or ECN (the broker).

There are basic predefined sets of rules based on technical analysis, but not limited to it. Algorithms may also be based on additional inputs from various electronic resources.

Forex copy trading Forex social trading Algo trade(圖5)-速報App